Adult programming is geared towards presenting a variety of Jewish content that will appeal to our adult community. The group gathers regularly for movie nights, book discussions, speakers and who knows…?
It is open to the community as well as our congregants. For more information, check Our Shir Shalom newsletter or contact
Next Event

Semi(te) Sweet with Rabbi Deborah Prinz
On the chocolate trail
Adult Programming Presents
Rabbi Deborah Prinz draws from her world travels and research on the trail of chocolate as she unwraps stories of the trade, retail and manufacture of chocolate since it was first introduced to Europeans.
Copious chocolate treats from the kitchen of Stacey and Adam Sussman will be served
Suggested Donation $10
Saturday, October 6 at 7:30 pm
Let us know you are coming by emailing
Bring your friends! Babysitting provided!
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Operation Wedding: a documentary
Sunday, August 12, 2018 at 3 pm
Soviet Jews denied exit visas in 1970 hatch a plan to hijack an empty plane and escape under the guise of attending a family wedding, View the harrowing tale before it opens wide in theaters.
Above and Beyond
Veterans’ Day, November 11th at 6:00 PM at Congregation Shir Shalom.
Light dinner followed by documentary film, discussion and dessert.
Cost $18
For reservations contact Neirot @ by November 6th
Send check to Congregation Shir Shalom, with Neirot in memo line
The film was produced by Nancy Spielberg (sister of Steven) and tells the story of Jewish-American WWII pilots who risked life and liberty to fight secretly in Israel’s 1948 fight for independence. The film draws on interviews with historians, surviving pilots, re-enactments by George Lucas, and archival footage.
Past Events
Arthur Kurzweil Jewish Genealogy
by Webmaster • Adult Programming
Congregation Shir Shalom invites you on a journey with Arthur Kurzweil, the Guru of Jewish Genealogy.
Author, educator, writer, publisher, illusionist and widely recognized as the leading expert on Jewish genealogy.
Featuring a Nosh that Bubbe could have made!
November 4th at 3 pm
Let us know you are coming by emailing us at
Suggested Donation: $18
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